Multiple Exposure with Film

We live in a digital world. When it comes to my photography, however, I choose not to. There is something about the history and variety of cameras, the hands-on experience when loading film that you lose when shooting digital. I loved spending hours in the darkroom when I could, but the photos you see here have been created in-camera.

Opting for film instead of digital allows for a certain serendipity in my work. The images I shoot are not meticulously planned. I have an idea of what I look for and want to express, but the end product of overlaps and clashes of imagery is mostly by chance.

For these multiple exposure projects, I photographed scenes in New York City and juxtaposed them with photos of Peru/Spain/Venezuela, or wherever I find myself next, by reshooting the same roll of film. The images that overlap each other struck me as drastically different, yet oddly related. By stacking such visuals of contrasting cultures, one has the opportunity to be confronted by their differences and explore their similarities.


Door Series


Medium Format Photography